Add intelligent spelling and grammar correction to any website to instantly help every user put their best foot forward.
Sign up for free!Add Perfect Tense to any text area with just a small snippet of code. Because Perfect Tense is embedded directly on your website, intelligent spelling and grammar correction will be instantly available to everyone - no individual downloads or sign-ups are required.
Each time your team communicates, they are making an impression on your customers. Even a single mistake can reflect negatively on your organization.
Perfect Tense allows you to add an instant layer of quality control to your team without needing to pester or babysit them into downloading and using extra tools. Since Perfect Tense works where your team already is, everyone will automatically have intelligent corrections at their fingertips.
When users make mistakes in your platform, even if they are not your fault, users are left with a bad taste in their mouths. Thankfully, the reverse is true as well.
By adding Perfect Tense to your platform, you will delight your users by helping them catch spelling and grammar mistakes as they are made. This increases customer satisfaction and keeps users on your platform through the entire content creation process.
Perfect Tense isn’t your ordinary spell checker. Backed by over five years of artificial intelligence R&D, Perfect Tense is able to understand the contextual meaning of text, allowing it to provide intelligent and comprehensive corrections. From complicated misspellings to easy-to-gloss-over errors, Perfect Tense helps users efficiently improve their writing.